Sunday, June 27, 2010

American Smiles

You're probably wondering about the title of this post...well I'll get to that later. This weekend was lots of fun in many different ways! First we had practice Friday night and I dont think I have ever had more mosquito bites. It looks like I have chicken pox on my legs! But that didn't put a damper on the fun that we had later in the night as some of the baseball and softball players took us out. Which is where the title comes from. Apparently American smiles are easily picked out; they make fun of us saying that we must take a class to learn to smile like we show so much teeth. That night was also my first ride using Viennas transit system...Wow is it good.

Anyways on saturday one of my teammates had a BBQ. Her family is originally from South Africa and she goes to one of the international schools and is very good at helping us learn new words. Her dad's lamb and chicken was delicious and the homeade chocolate moose was just icing on the cake. And today we went and watched the Wanderers Baseball team play a doubleheader. (The Wanderers is the team I am playing for) Nicky and i look like tomatoes on 1/2 of our body.

I have been picking up German quickly. I can now count to 999 and know some colors and various other words.

Word/Phrase of the day: Ich vermisse dich = I miss you

Thursday, June 24, 2010

First Days in Wien

Hi everyone!

So I have now been in Vienna nearly 2 days. This time my flight arrived early and all of my bags made it. This morning Nicky (my roommate) and I helped work a camp for Austrian boys and girls between ages 10 & 14. I've never had to work a camp with 360 campers before! So not only was I tired from having so many campers but it was exhausting trying to teach to them when neither of us knew the others language. I am picking up bits of German though, we have our teammates teach us words or one of my favorite things to do is to use Google Translator. Yesterday I learned the numbers 1-10 while playing beach volleyball as well as mine. And the translator helped us with mustard since we were having a hard time finding it in the store. I think one of my biggest accomplishments was getting to the checkout of the Austrian, even though most of the credit can be given to google translator, I did pick out the camera cord I needed by the picture. And if you didn't know I am 7 hours ahead of central time.

Will keep you updated,
